Garbage bin - work bin
Because we work in the Qualitative department, as opposed to Quantitative (the two types of market research, if this all sounds Chinese to you, be assured it is to us sometimes too), we prefer quality to quantity you see.
So, because quality waste management is far better than quantity waste (management), our department has been generously offered to try the latest most efficient way of sorting rubbish at workplace.
In other words, how to reduce expenses on paying a cleaning company. "How ? Profit is jeopardized by our garbage bill ? Let's make our employees more eco-friendly responsible !".
And so we now have three new friends here on the fifth floor of the very Victorian London I work at (not mentioning overlooking on the Queen's tennis court, empty, season after season. Her Majesty I'm sure must prefer polo).
Yes, three recycling bins.
So, what is this fuss all about then Elise ?
Well because we now are eco-friendly-let's save the planet, which by the way I totally adhere with, the bins by our desks have all been suppressed.
Exit the fees to kindly ask the cleaners to empty each emplyee's rubbish evening after evening. After all who would want that job ?
Our precious efficient profit-driven working hours are now interrumpted by numerous trips to greet one of our new friends : "paper only", "plastic and cans" and "other waste" (newly renamed "hazardous chemicals"). Wether it's to sharpen your pencil, get rid of that banana skin, rip that report you have pretended to have read at the last meeting, it's all down to you now to get your bottom up and walk a bit.
The reality is made of various inventive possibilities :
- use that old supermarket bag that was lying at the back of your drawer
- put all your rubbish on your boss desks whilst he's gone to chat to the head of finance
- recycle it yourself, screw it, with all that Burger King- on the go low and high carb junk we eat
nowadays, a bit of paper and plastic won't hurt.
- knit bin-cosies
This, my fiends, is called progress.
I am knitting my sleeping in the office bag as we speak. Wouldn't it be great if we could all start efficiency at 7 am getting rid of London Underground and South Eastern trains ?
'til then, bonne nuit !
Merci pour toutes ces bonnes idées recyclage ! La facétie est sans nul doute un excellent argument marketing pour remotiver les troupes du continent, déjà blasées des déclinaisons colorées du dernier modèle Plastic Omnium...
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