Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Knittting in London - Tricotter a Londres

Another thing you learn coming to the UK as a frog is the real importance, and may I say, business of charity.
Whilst French consider donating as a private and personal action, here people get you to sponsor them to run, climb, dive...and give out the money to a charity of their choice.

At work, we have decided to knit hats for Innocent Smoothies (another thing you discover : wonderful fruit puree, shame M and S is now off France....).

and so, after 20 years of promising myself to never reiterate the dreadful and painful experience of producing a cat made or knitted blue wool, using the famous French "tricotin", here I am, discussing briefs and client products to launch in 2006, fighting whith that damn god brown wool.
By 4 pm half of the female and gay community of the office was full on, armed with needles and colored wool, wondering why the hell e-mails did not get answered.

But hey who cares about productivity, we're knitting little woolen hats for those yummy drinks.
The Charity ?
Well, there is a link with knitting here....
Help the aged.

Needless to say I am so bad, I have been given the task to try and complete a scarf for my teddy bear first. If there aren't too many holes (two already) I'll be allowed to knit the hat.
I feel my life has reached such a sense of accomplishement right now.

Si vous ĂȘtes sages, as we say in France, pictures soon !!!

Enjoy the evening and God save the knitting (and the aged)

Goodnight folks

Elise (obviously feeling 20 years older)


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